If you’re fed up with perching on a saddle that’s causing you pain, we’re here to help. We’re convinced that the only way to see if a saddle is right for you is to try it. No amount of measuring sit bones and sitting on jelly pads can replace testing a saddle out for real whilst riding. That’s why we offer our saddle fitting and trial service.
What is a saddle fit?
Our saddle fit session allows you to try out a huge range of saddles from Fizik, ISM Adamo and Cobb Cycling on our fitting bike. Our BikeFit.com “SwitchIt” system allows us to swap saddles over in a matter of seconds, making the job of narrowing the field of suitable saddles down quickly and easily. Once we’ve identified a favorite then we’ll let you take a test saddle out on the road for thorough testing before you make your final decision.
What does the fit session cost?
There’s no charge, other than for any saddle purchased.
How do I Book?
Our saddle fitting service is available to book online at Bike Science Bristol